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New Hope Kids


Our trained and dedicated workers provide a safe, nurturing Nursery for babies at all services Sunday AM, PM and Wed. PM.  Our great staff offers Kid enjoyable  NHK Toddlers (ages 3-K), and NHK Elementary (K-5th Grade) on Sundays at 10:30 AM as well as Wed. 7 PM Kids Fun Night! Children are a priority here!



We seek to maintain an atmosphere of God’s Glory thru daily worship, prayer and disciplines that release the anointing in services. There is a place for you here as we grow the number of worshippers who seek Healings and Needs met by Praise, Expectancy and Hunger for deeper intimacy with God!

Wednesdays at 7 PM. These small groups  help students build strong supportive relationships and help develop their daily Christian life as mature disciples of Jesus. Come grow with us!




In addition to offering healing prayer at Heritage Park, teams reach people in need by neighborhood evangelism, New Mover cards, Carnival events and social media contacts. We also train people to reach out to those who live & work around them.


New Hope is focused on reaching young adults (ages 18-24) in relevant teaching and ministry Wednesdays at 7 PM to help them grow in their relationship with God.  Fun events and monthly activities are planned to connect with other young adults.


We are committed to the Biblical model of courtship and marriage. Support groups and fun activities are offered to those thinking of marriage, engaged, recently married, and parents of young families grow in their relationship with God, spouse and connect with others!  

New Hope Youth


All Jr. High and High School students are invited to NH Youth on Wednesday nights at 7pm in the Youth Chapel. We believe we are on the verge of something great! Make plans to worship with us and go deeper with God. Throughout the year the youth ministry embarks on many adventures seeking to be relational. There is always something fun going on at NH Youth, so please check the calendar for updates. 

Prayer/Ministry Teams
God has called New Hope Assembly to be a house of prayer and ministry! We have 24-Hour Prayer Chain, Hospital Visitation, Care Card & First Impression Teams, Follow-up, Van Transportation and Helps/Usher Ministry. 
Compassion Ministry


Compassion Ministry offers groceries and serves the needs of members as requested by group leaders. Workers are trained to respond to needs, refer to Fish & Loaves Food Pantry-Taylor and provide local resources to serve single parent families, widows and unemployed who have shown attempts to overcome need. 



We monthly support 50 ministries globally as well as periodically send out teams to “hot spots” of need. In addition to special services throughout the year, we hold each Fall a well attended fun World Missions Convention & Tastefest.


Fun activities and valuable weekly ministry trains men to stand firm on the word of God, allow the holy Spirit to lead them to become men of great integrity and build a legacy thru the power of Godly manhood at their home and job.



Classes and fun activities help Women know identity & purpose in God, how to be victorious and build relationship with a Heavenly Father who loves them and wants to bless beyond their expectations. Come enjoy our awesome Wednesday evenings, led by leaders sensitive to the Holy Spirit with Table discussion/prayer.  



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